Covid-19 Strategy

Silver Viper Minerals provides a safe workplace for all employees, implementing regional, governmental measures, as well as additional avoidance strategies, to reduce the risk of contraction and transmission of Covid-19 on site.

How we implement this strategy
Robust protocols are in place to minimize the possibility of introducing the virus to the work site and its surrounding communities. Both workers and visitors on the project are subject to testing prior to entering the site. Silver Viper Minerals’ drilling contractors operate on a quarantine system, inbound and outbound crews are accommodated in hotel isolation to monitor potential symptoms and pending negative testing. To date there have been no incidences of outbreaks attributed to the operation.

The company is to carry out covid-19 test (PCR to Globexplore personnel and antigen test to SV minerals) the day before or same day of the entry to site, the personnel being isolated at home or hotel until a result is received. In case of having positive test, the action is to send the person to home for at least 14 days (in case of residing same place or sent to the known and specialized covid-19 hotel room in Hermosillo in case of being a foreigner) and perform a second covid-19 test until the result is negative.

In the case of local personnel (Nacori Chico/Mesa Tres Rios), the covid-19 test is carried out in the in those same places under strict hygiene protocols with the same objective previously mentioned (before arrival at the project) and same actions in case a positive case is detected.